Exhibition “Light! The invented cinema »

From 23/11/2019 to 06/09/2020, every day from 10AM to 6PM, except Monday and Tuesday 2Pm to 4PM

From the first reconstituted projection room to the exhaustive distribution of 1422 films. From the model of the original site of the Lumière factories to optical toys of the 19th century. Between posters, autochromes and panoramic or relief views, the visitor is immersed in the heart of the Lumière family’s creativity.

The epic of the cinematograph is the thread of the exhibition. This technical feat is both the culmination of previous attempts and the founding act of an artistic practice that is still revolutionizing our vision of the world.

The gesture of Louis Lumière is inspired by a creative inspiration, an imagination and an inestimable worldview. The cinematographer will immediately impose his universe to an active crowd. By posing staging questions, by inventing topics that hundreds of filmmakers will take inspiration, sending operators to the four corners of the world, Light acted as a filmmaker.

The Lumière brothers opened with their films a window on the world, testifying to the daily life of the time.

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